Happy 4th!!! and the winner is…

Happy 4th, everyone! We hope you are enjoying time with people you love doing things you love–whether you are traveling, having drinks by the pool or camping.  And of course–wearing plenty of sunscreen regardless of the activity! 🙂

We are excited to congratulate, Val for winning our one year anniversary prize pack!! We hope you love these products as much as we do!

Thank you for continuing to support Everything & Nothings! We raise a toast to you!

We are always looking for new things to write about–so please let us know in the comments if there is any topics you want us to cover, products to review or feature you want added.

And we will leave you with patriotism at it’s best: GaGa and Beyonce-style

(thanks for the inspiration, Kathleen!)

Have a great week!!! Cheers–Lyn, Jess and Pamela

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