I was scrolling through my Instagram feed one day and came across a text only post. It said “NAME THREE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF” My mind went blank. Seriously. Blank. So I took a screenshot of the post and thought, I’ll think about this and get back to you, Instagram post. And then I promptly forgot about it. Today I was scrolling through my photo reel and there it was. Staring me in the face. I wish I didn’t feel like it was mocking me, but I did. Why couldn’t I just come up with three things, like, it should be so easy, right?!! But also, if I did just spout off three things that I love about myself, don’t I then sound sort of conceited? Why is it so hard to practice self love? I know, this is a beauty/lifestyle blog…. so forgive me for getting all deep on you, but I feel like this is a big deal. And if I couldn’t just very simply come up with three things, surely I am not alone? Hello? Anyone there? Even as I write this, the struggle is real. So today, at the risk of feeling a little bit vulnerable, I will share with you three things I love about myself. Will you share three with me?
XO – Pamela

My type A tendencies
It seems that often, people will start speaking of someone in terms of being type A or type B when they feel they need to point out something they see as a personality flaw. But are these tendencies really flaws either way? I love to feel organized. I like to have my time efficiently planned out. I like making lists. I’ll read the whole owner’s manual for our new truck so I know what everything does, before I start just pushing all the buttons. Am I a bit of a control freak? Sure. Do I lack patience? Yeah, sometimes I do. Do I get things done? Hell yes. And at the end of the day I don’t feel bad about any of it.
My strength
Strength or being strong, can mean so many things. I am specifically talking about my personal physical strength. Now, don’t get me wrong….. I’m not someone who lifts weights or competes in fitness competitions, or can even win at arm wrestling. But ask me to hold a strong plank for the length of a song, and I will own that. I can wall sit all day (well, probably not literally all day.) My job requires a certain amount of physical strength, and I do a pretty good job at my job. Are there a million people out there one billion times stronger? You bet. But I feel strong for me. I think it’s pretty great to feel strong.
My hair
It feels a little weird to admit to loving one of my physical features….. it seems like pure vanity. I do though. I’ve always been really lucky to have a great head of hair. I can wear any style with ease and I feel like I’ve had it all. From super short pixie, to really long all one length. Bangs, or no bangs. It all seems to work for me. It’s super thick, which sometimes feels like a curse, but I know it’s probably a hair trait coveted by many. These days the gray hairs are far beyond a few, but I don’t mind terribly when they start to show…. besides, my husband thinks they’re cute. I’ve never wanted to be blonde. I love being brunette. Like anyone, I do have bad hair days, but in the end I really love my hair. (It doesn’t hurt that I have an amazing stylist as well – Sherri, owner of Epic salon in downtown Neenah, for any of you Fox Valley ladies who are looking for a fantastic salon.)
Love this post, Pamela! I think I need to go with my musicality–I feel like I can really HEAR music, my hustle–because my goodness–I feel like I’m always pushing some rock up a hill, and my interest in seeing others succeed. I’ve had relationships where you don’t feel like the other person is really only interested in you when you’re down. Or worse–that they sabotage your success or make you feel bad for having any. I hope that people feel like I’m pushing them to be the best they can be–and hopefully, not in an annoying way! Hahaha!
But yes–it took me a good few days to come up with the three things. Not sure why it has to be that hard for us to say that we have strengths and identifying what they are publicly–or even to ourselves. Thanks for making us think on this, Pamela!